As an 18-year-old, Kadri Dervisi from North Macedonia came to Norway. He was first introduced to the labor market here by cleaning barracks rigs in the 80s. Today, Kadri is the operations manager at Eir Cleaning – part of 4Service – and loves his profession!
‒ I really like that no day is the same. Suddenly someone calls who can't get a pallet into the elevator, or a customer who needs cleaning in connection with an event the same day. That's what makes my job so exciting. I have to use my head, my eyes, and see the need, Kadri says, and continues:
‒ Being able to be out with the customers gives me great freedom! I have never considered changing profession or company.
Increasing Trust and Responsibility
Regarding the workplace, Kadri has been on quite a journey. From what was once called Cleaning and Maintenance to what is now Eir Cleaning. Yet, Kadri has always felt secure in his role and with his employer. Perhaps it's this security that has led to Kadri being given more responsibility?
‒ Getting more responsibility has given me a little aha experience. Now my job is actually very dependent on how others do their job. Therefore, it's important that I am available for my employees and can be helpful where needed. I need to listen to them and come up with solutions to challenges they might have. I myself am focused on proper ergonomics and well-being, Kadri smiles.
There's no doubt that Kadri truly has a passion for the cleaning profession. He believes that the end result can affect individuals. Kadri explains:
‒ You can't just give someone a cloth and a broom and expect the result to be good. This is actually someone's workplace. Then it's our task to make it a pleasant place to be. It's about being alert and reading between the lines. My employees have to use their heads as much as their bodies.
A Better Indoor Climate
It is through experienced and professionally educated employees that the indoor climate in a building can improve. Precisely because it is through experience and education that cleaning is performed in the best possible way. A good indoor climate can contribute to both increased well-being and better health. This has been confirmed in several surveys conducted in schools and kindergartens*. Kadri mentions chemicals as an important professional part of the job, and knowledge of dosing is perhaps something we all can learn from.
‒ Our biggest mistake is that we use too much soap. This applies at home too. Just think how your hair becomes if you use a bit too much shampoo and don't wash it out properly. In most cases, less is often better. In some cases, just clean water and a clean cloth are what's needed. In daily cleaning, it's almost only neutral agents that are required.
Kadri himself took his trade certificate over 20 years ago. Having the basic knowledge at the base allows him to work both operationally and strategically in his profession. In addition, there is now another element that Kadri believes can help the industry become even more efficient and smarter.
Technology is here to stay. I think we're going to need it to ease our work. It's not about it taking over our jobs. Just think if we didn't have the mop. If we had to sit on our knees and do everything by hand, the profession would have been heavier, more difficult, and more time-consuming. There are many areas where robotic technology can be useful for us, for example in large halls. I think we have a lot to gain there.
Neither acquisitions, reorganization, more responsibility, nor new technology can knock this man off balance. But there was actually one time Kadri felt a bit uncertain.
‒ I actually managed to lock myself in a cold room once, he chuckles and continues:
‒ Then I got really worried! I was quite thinly dressed and began to look for solutions on how I could stop the cold if I had to stay the whole night. Fortunately, I had food available, since it was the cooler of a canteen. Luckily, I eventually found a way to open the door from the inside.
It's good to know that Kadri is solution-oriented and takes challenges in stride. He concludes by listing reasons why he will never change profession:
‒ The best part of this job is that I can take care of myself, by being physically active, and at the same time, I take care of buildings and materials.
*Becher, R. og Øvrevik, J. (2017). Inneklimaets betydning for barns helse og trivsel i skoler og barnehager. Allergi i Praxis, 02/2017, ss. 30-35.