Every four years, there is a tender process to procure cleaning services at OsloMet. During these public processes, a certain amount of criterias need to be fulfilled. Customer satisfaction is not one of these. Thus, what is the secret that makes Eir winning this tender several times in a row?
For a number of years, Eir Renhold has provided cleaning services to OsloMet. At the university, there are as many as 25,000 students and teachers spread over two campuses in Oslo and at Kjeller. Eir Renhold is a full-service provider, with daily cleaning at a total of 17 addresses.
Marit Spicer is the house economist at OsloMet, and singles out the overall offer as a reason why Eir Renhold keeps winning the tender rounds. "Many people think that price is the decisive factor in tender processes, but that is not true. We have many other criteria that must be weighted, including environment and quality. And that's where Eir Renhold hits the spot," claims Spicer.
The people
There is one thing in particular that Spicer wants to highlight in the collaboration with Eir Renhold: "The people! Undoubtedly. It is so important to have the right people - both for us and for the supplier. I must especially praise Eir Renhold's site manager, who does a particularly good job," she concludes.
I en tid der profesjonelle renholdstjenester er mer enn bare en nødvendighet, utmerker Eir Renhold seg som en ledende aktør i bransjen både på service og kvalitet. Med flere års samarbeid, forteller Sørlandschips hvordan Eirs fokus på hygiene, nøyaktighet og fleksibilitet gjør dem til et perfekt valg for bedrifter som verdsetter høy standard på renhold i sine lokaler.
In a time where professional cleaning services are more than just a necessity, Eir Cleaning stands out as a leading player in the industry in both service and quality. With several years of collaboration, Sørlandschips explains how Eir's focus on hygiene, accuracy, and flexibility makes them a perfect choice for businesses that value a high standard of cleaning in their premises.
For Mustad Eiendom, et familieeid eiendomsselskap med et langsiktig og bærekraftig fokus, falt valget av renholdstjenester på Eir. Tina Finstad, prosjektleder hos Mustad Eiendom, utdyper bakgrunnen for valget og bekrefter en effektiv og fleksibel leveranse.
For Mustad Eiendom, a family-owned real estate company with a long-term and sustainable focus, the choice of cleaning services fell on Eir. Tina Finstad, project manager at Mustad Eiendom, elaborates on the background of the choice and confirms an efficient and flexible delivery.